
威尼斯游戏大厅’s new associate degree in nursing (ADN) is designed to accelerate your career and to increase workforce diversity in the healthcare industry. 在短短两年内, you could be a Registered Nurse (RN) practicing culturally-competent care in urban communities where the nursing short年龄 is critical. The new program is part of a 威尼斯游戏大厅 pipeline created to attract students who have been traditionally underrepresented in the nursing profession. While preference is given to bilingual students (conversational-Spanish level and English), we encour年龄 traditional and nontraditional students from all backgrounds to apply. 随着人口老龄化, 现在比以往任何时候都更需要有知识的护士, attitudes and skills to care for people across different langu年龄s and cultures. The ADN will help you quickly transition into the workforce to start your healthcare career as a highly sought-after RN.

  • 在短短两年内成为一名注册护士
  • 学会练习 & 提供符合文化的护理
  • 适用于今天

  • Conviértase en Enfermero o Enfermera Registrado (RN por sus siglas en Inglés) en solo dos años
  • Aprenda a practicar y brindar atención médica culturalmente competente
  • Aplique嗬!


如果你想在医疗行业工作, an associate degree in nursing (ADN) program gets you on your way and prepares you for a career as a registered nurse. RNs work in hospitals, physician offices, home healthcare services and nursing care facilities.

你将在第一学期开始学习护理课程. 课程在St. 密尔沃基的奥古斯丁预备学院. 卡罗尔的护理中心有一个现代化的, fully-equipped nursing lab with high-tech patient simulators that help you safely learn procedures before performing them on real patients.

临床实习从第三学期开始. You will begin in long-term care facilities and eventually transition to medical-surgical units in a hospital acute-care setting under the supervision of faculty and professional nurses. 在整个项目中, your patient care responsibility will increase from simply observing to being responsible for planning, managing and administering care for two to three patients at a time.

Your final semester includes a “capstone” experience in which you will be required to complete 160 hours in a healthcare setting at one of the area’s health systems. This gives you the chance to advance your skills and network as you prepare to search for a job after graduation. Carroll’s strong partnerships with local healthcare organizations allow for a variety of clinical placements without waiting lists.

After completing the two-year program (six consecutive semesters), you will be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX-RN), which is required to begin full-time employment as a registered nurse.

The Carroll ADN curriculum is designed so you can continue on with your education with the specially designed RN-MSN程序. 和, 作为在职注册护士, 你可以申请雇主的学费补助, 由许多医疗保健系统提供, 帮你支付下一个学位的学费.

As a 威尼斯游戏大厅 student at the nursing center located in the St. 奥古斯丁预备学院, you will have access to all support services offered on the main campus in 沃基肖. 除了, the ADN program has a dedicated student support specialist to support academic, 职业和个人成功.

Carroll has a 历史 of providing an excellent nursing education and exceptional student outcomes. The NCLEX pass rates for our nursing programs are among the highest in the state.


The ADN program will admit qualified students regardless of race, color, 信条, 性, 年龄, 性取向, 国家或民族出身, or handicap that does not interfere with the performance of professional nursing as provided by law. The admission process for the ADN program is holistic in nature. This means that no single criterion will ensure or prevent your acceptance into the program. 而, the 招生 Committee makes a determination of a candidate’s admission based on holistic consideration of the following criteria:

  • 两个学期的高中代数, biology and chemistry; one semester of high school social sciences (communications, 经济学, 历史, 社会学),成绩在C或以上
  • 高中或大学平均绩点2分.5或以上
  • 如果CHE101, CHE102, ANP130, ANP140, or BIO212 equivalencies are completed within 5 years of application, transfer credit may be awarded provided grades of B- or better are earned
  • Preference given to applicants who can speak conversational Spanish as well as English 
  • 做一个U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen with a valid social security number
  • Two letters of reference (one from a teacher; another from teacher or community leader)
  • 入学 essay focusing on experience with cultural immersion and addressing motivation for
    • 护理
    • 愿意与不同文化背景的人一起工作
  • 招生委员会面试
  • Submission of the technical and progression standards for the nursing program (upon acceptance into the program)

"I know I am attending a college that is preparing me to work in a professional hospital environment."
——Viviana Sanchez, 24岁



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入学辅导员, 米格尔·罗德里格斯, visited Telemundo Wisconsin to provide more information about Carroll's new 护理学副学士 program.


The 威尼斯游戏大厅 护理学副学士 Program is accredited by the National League for 护理 Commission for 护理 Education 认证 (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, 华盛顿, DC 20037. 202-909-2487. 


